The Arteaga's

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Visit to the Dentist

Vanessa is so brave! I personally HATE the dentist and the thought alone drives me insane. Vanessa on the other hand, has never had a fear for the doctor or the dentist! She keeps her eye on the reward! I don't care how many stickers,toothbrushes, lollipops, and toys I'm offered, I just HATE the dentist. Vanessa you are my hero!!!

Vanessa had her teeth cleaned and had 3 x-rays. We were happy and proud to hear that Nessa has extremely clean teeth and the her adult teeth coming in look straight! Go Nessa!!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Big Bear Lake

We want to give a BIG thanks to Kevin and Brandi for inviting us to Big Bear Lake! We had been up in the mountains and played in the snow before, but NEVER had been there while it was snowing! It was beautiful!!!We had tons of fun and can't wait to do it again! XOXO

This was Bear's first trip anywhere! I was a little nervous since we were going up so high and in cold weather. I was so surprised on how well Bear did! He was such a good Baby and spent most of his trip sleeping or hibernating in true bear fashion!! We did manage to get him out in the snow once or twice and here he is!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

My Favorite pictures of my love bugs to date!!
Thanks Jessica for capturing my beautiful princess and my baby boy's first Valentine's Day pictures!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

5 Months old!

Baby Tony (A.K.A. Bear)is growing oh so fast! He started on solids and his favorite so far is green beans and bananas! But the real bananas, not baby food! LOL He is full of love and still loves to cuddle up. He is such a good baby! We are so lucky. I am still trying to get him to sit up on his own but he is a bit lazy!! He rolls over to the left and manages to get on his tummy but then he is upset because he hates tummy time!
Here is a pic I captured with my cell phone of Bear trying to sit up!