The Arteaga's

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Happy 5th Birthday Laila!!

Happy Birthday Miss Laila! We adore you! XOXO

A "Real" Ballerina!

Vanessa has decided she is going to be a "Real" ballerina! This is her second year of Ballet/Tap and she just loves it! She is getting so good and LOVES I mean L-O-V-E-S to look at herself in the mirror every Saturday! She is counting down the days until she goes on the big stage for her recital next month! We are so proud of our Ballerina!!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Baby Tony 8 months old

After teething for two weeks straight, my poor baby final broke his first tooth! And now comes another one right next to the first one! Baby Bear, Momma will miss your contagious gummy yummy smile!!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Friday, May 14, 2010

Grandpa's Boy

Baby Tony loves grandpa and grandpa loves him. They have created such a bond,it's a beautiful thing! Every time Grandpa walks in a room, Baby Tony locks eyes with him and starts to scream, laugh, and stretch his arms out in excitement. While Grandpa was feeding him I captured this moment and it's priceless!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Why I love being Baby Tony's Mommy..

Not only are we  blessed with a beautiful daughter, we are also blessed with a beautiful son!


I love being your Mommy because you are my little boy.

I love being your Mommy because you are always so happy.

I love being your Mommy because you make parenting look so easy!

I love being your Mommy because when you look at me, I know how much you love me.

I love being your Mommy because your smile makes me smile, every single time.

I love you because you made me a Mommy for the second time and it made my already full heart, overflow!

I love you Bear. You are an amazing little baby boy! I cannot imagine what life was like without you. I am overjoyed having you as my son, you mean the world to me.


Why I love being Vanessa's Mommy...

My little baby girl is growing up so fast! She is an amazing child who is full of joy. We truly are blessed to have her in our lives!
I love being your Mommy because you make me smile every morning.

I love being your Mommy because you always make me laugh when I am feeling blue.

I love being your Mommy because you make me feel like the luckiest Mom in the world.

I love being your Mommy because you LOVE pink just as much as I do!

I love being your Mommy because you are so smart and it makes me so proud.

I love being your Mommy because you are fearless.

I love being your Mommy because you love me unconditionally.

I can go on forever on all the reasons why I love you. But really I love you because you are YOU! And I could have not asked for anything more. Thank you for making me your Mommy!!
